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Gourav Dhar
Nov 22, 202212 min read
How Database Indexing Makes Your Query Faster in a Relational Database - The Complete Guide
A database index is a data structure that improves the performance of database queries by making them faster.

Gourav Dhar
Nov 14, 202212 min read
What is an SSL/TLS Certificate and How do they Secure Your Website? - Backend Development Series
Why is it safe to give your personal information on one website and not another? What makes one website safer and more secure than another?

Gourav Dhar
Nov 7, 202211 min read
What is OSI Model? 7 layers of the OSI Model Explained (2023)
OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It can be defined as a conceptual framework that maps the various functions of a comm ...

Gourav Dhar
Oct 31, 20228 min read
What are WebSockets? Everything you need to know about WebSockets! (2023)
If you are someone who wants to explore WebSockets and how they work, or if you are planning to use

Gourav Dhar
Oct 25, 202211 min read
Beginners guide to RabbitMQ - (Backend Development Series)
If you are someone who wants to explore RabbitMQ or message queues in general or are starting to work on RabbitMQ this blog is for you.

Gourav Dhar
Oct 10, 20224 min read
How to create the perfect Pull Request?
Writing excellent code is as important as helping other people to review it In software development, the output of a development team,...
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